Ocarina Wiki

An extended-range double ocarina by Focalink.

Ocarinas are available in designs which incorporate multiple chambers for extended note range or for the purpose of harmony. Multi-chambered ocarinas are the most popular in either transverse double or triple designs, though there are a small few quadruple designs. There are a number of designs of double ocarinas which use the English Pendant cross-fingering style, though these are not nearly as popular as transverse multi-chambered ocarinas.

Multi-chambered ocarinas are noticeably more expensive than single-chambered ocarinas due to the complexity of their design, usually costing roughly 150% or more in value than single-chamber designs. Popular vendors of multi-chambered ocarinas include, but are not limited to, Focalink , St. Louis Ocarinas , and Maparam.

Extended-Range Multi-Chamber Ocarinas[]

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Double Ocarina[]

An extended-range modern sweet potato double ocarina will have a range from A4 - C7, which is equivalent to two octaves plus two diatonic notes. The second chamber of a transverse double ocarina will usually have a range from E5 - C7 or D5 - C7, while the base chamber will have a range from A4 - D6.

English Pendant style double ocarinas also exist, having a range from C5 - C7. Because of the absence of sub-holes which are more commonly found on transverse ocarinas, the English Pendant style double ocarina does not have the two extra notes below C5.

Triple Ocarina[]

An extended-range modern sweet potato double ocarina will have a range from A4 - G7, which is equivalent to two octaves plus six diatonic notes, or alternatively three octaves minus one diatonic note. The base and second chamber will usually have identical fingering and range as the double ocarina, and the additional third chamber will have a range of C7 - G7.

Some triple ocarinas are designed to support the use of overblowing to reach an additional few pitches above the original range. The ocarina most famous for this design is the Focalink Forte triple ocarina, but this is not the only ocarina that supports overblowing.

Harmony Multi-Chamber Ocarinas[]

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Double Ocarina[]

The two chambers of a Harmony-style double ocarina will typically be tuned to perfect harmony or tuned by first and fifth scale degrees (most commonly as one chamber to C and the other to G.) However, since there are only a select few models of harmony ocarinas, there are no accepted standards for the ocarina type.

See also[]

  • List of Multi-Chamber Ocarina Models